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Baby Gifts

At our store of Natural Living in Foster, our days are brightened when a new baby is brought through our doors to say hello to us for the first time. The joy of welcoming a newborn into this world is something that is incomparable to almost anything else in life – bringing with it wonderment, excitement, fear, adoration, pride, complete happiness and, most importantly, love. At Billie & Roo we have the perfect array of baby goods and gifts to help you express your love and excitement upon the arrival of the new member of your tribe.

Go Bamboo

Go Bamboo is a New Zealand company that’s serious about keeping plastic out of our coastlines, oceans and landfills.

Upon hearing details of the North Pacific gyre, co-founders Mick and Anna, were dismayed to learn that this sea of plastic is twice the size of the state of Texas! They were so shocked and disgusted that they decided to try and live their lives with as little plastic as possible. They started to pay more attention to what they were buying in their weekly shop, making better choices about packaging and choosing non-plastic alternatives when available. Unfortunately (or fortunately for all of us now!) they found they could not find an alternative to their plastic toothbrushes in New Zealand. And so, with lots of research, they created Go Bamboo natural toothbrushes using bamboo as an environmentally friendly raw material. As their new product was quite popular, the thought arose … why couldn’t bamboo be used instead of plastic in more disposable items? They then expanded their range to include other household items like pegs,veggie brushes and cotton buds, and are constantly on the lookout for opportunities to provide simple and sustainable alternatives to the little things we all use every day.

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