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Playing with toys is the first opportunity a child has to explore and interact with the world on their own terms. To children, toys are more than just objects: they are companions, teachers, and super heroes that help guide them through a big and sometimes confusing world. They assist the physical, cognitive and emotional development that prepares children for adulthood. The Creativity Institute divides toys into four categories: 

Toys for physical or muscle development such as wagons, bikes, boxes, puzzles, blocks, brooms, and shovels. 

Toys for sensory (touch, sight, sound, taste, smell) development such as water toys, musical instruments, bubbles, play dough, and sand toys. 

Toys for make-believe and social development such as dolls, dress-up clothes, cars, trucks, games, and books. 

Toys for creative and intellectual development such as clay, crayons, paints, books, paper, and scissors. At Billie & Roo we believe the best toys are ones that engage a child’s senses, spark their imaginations, and encourage them to interact with others. We love toys!

Outdoor Adventure

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Product Details
Brand: The Play Card Co
Age: 3 years, 4 years, 5-6 years

It seems every childhood specialist is telling us to get our kids playing outside, and for good reason. The list of benefits is seemingly endless, but at the very least, you can expect improved motor skills, improved muscle strength, improved peer-to-peer relationships, and greater overall health. If you’re anything like us, you lived outside as a child. There were no iPads or on-demand TV shows. We were outside from dawn until the streetlights came on, and could swat a mosquito with the best of them.

Unfortunately, our children are growing up in a different world from what we lived in. It is, understandably, tricky sometimes to encourage them to go outdoors. Screens are incredibly tempting, and children are often left wondering how to have fun outside.

The ‘outdoor adventure’ deck is bursting with simple, fun ideas to get the family outside and playing together. Inside the deck are equipment-free games to be played anywhere, as well as fun, innovative, and simple setups for your backyard.

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